Tyler Bruno's Blog

AI Progress

We are living through a revolutionary period with AI infiltrating every aspect of our lives. Every day there's some new breakthrough or development and we've never seen anything like it. AI is so unique, because it truly is magical, even one year ago some of it's capabilities in products would blow our minds if you told us that feature would be there in a year.

What's even more exciting is I think there's a huge gap between pushing the frontier and turning the technology into products for people. Not as many are doing the latter, but I predict that will soon change, and the amount of products harnessing AI will drastically increase. This is when we will feel the true effects of such an influential technology.

We are already seeing the bare minimum basics of what is to come. We have Copilot for coding which has revolutionized how we code making it faster to write code, iterate, and build. It's so exciting, because AI is making it possible for magnitudes of more people to bring things to life. That future is super exciting.

There's also ChatGPT which has changed everything. From the world of education to automation, ChatGPT has only improved, and shown us what's possible. Most of the things that will be in everybody's hands in a short time are things we can't even imagine right now. There will be Copilots for so many tasks, improving efficiency, and changing how we live. Future developments are going to be wild.

As some of the smartest, most talented people continue to join forces, more magic will be produced. It's hard to conceive where this is headed, but I'm ready to join and push the frontier forward. As GPUs and people flow into the space, society will reap the rewards of incredible products that change everything. It's such an exhilarating time to be alive. It's only the beginning.