Tyler Bruno's Blog

Always Just Ask

I've learned the value of always just asking for something. The worst you hear is no, the best is you get what you want. Sounds like a win-win to me. Closed mouths don't get fed. If you never ask, you'll never get anything you want. That's not a risk worth taking. Ask for things, specifically when you've done the work to deserve it.

Amazing things happen when you do this. Friends and I have changed the entire course of our lives by building the courage to ask for the thing we wanted. You'd be surprised how often the answer is surprisingly yes. That's because people are innately good, they want to help you. We all forget this.

We are all in this together. That means we have each other's backs and lift those around us up. Life's too short to not help others. I believe this is why people are so willing to give you the boost needed to achieve what you want to do. It's a beautiful thing to see. Humans naturally want to give back. This is something we should remember.

No one around you knows you want that thing if you don't say it out loud. People aren't mind readers, you need to open your mouth and verbalize your wants. The results will be astonishing. You'll often hear: "oh, I didn't even know". That's why it's so essential. Most just don't know what you want, but once you ask, they're so open to helping you.

Always just ask. No, you're not being needy or annoying. I hear that too often. People love to help you. You just have to overcome the fear of asking. So, go out and ask for what you want. Rejection may happen, but is something to embrace. Move onto the next thing. What's meant to happen will happen. Let life do its thing, but power life by always just asking.