Tyler Bruno's Blog

Embrace Ambition

True ambition is rare to find. Not everybody has it. It's that flame inside you that is burning, the continuous thoughts infiltrating your mind. The thoughts of "I will accomplish something, I don't care who, what, when, where, how, I'm going to do this." That something isn't tiny or minuscule, but challenging and overwhelming for your current abilities.

No matter the hurdles that come, ambitious people always win. They leave their mark, because they had the courage to embrace their ambition. They didn't shy away. They said something, and did it. Actions speak louder than words. Often, people are doomed by saying "I'm going to do x, y, and z", and the result? Nothing.

Don't be those people. Don't have fake ambition, because it's a waste. Acting on your ambition is where the magic happens. It will drive you forward to personal excellence, societal progress, and meaningful change. Without ambition, good luck making your mark on the world. It's so important to nurture your inner flame.

Everyone you are inspired by is or was ambitious, from artists to scientists, entrepreneurs to historians. All of them cultivating true, raw ambition and channeled it towards something they loved. I believe a majority of people have ambition, but often they don't run towards it. Be the one who actually attacks their ambition head on.

In the last few weeks, I've learned I love to write. Ambitious dreams have flooded my brain, and I will act on them. I am promising to all of you reading. Join me as you pursue your own journey. Embrace ambition.