Tyler Bruno's Blog

Attitude, effort, and energy

Before every basketball game growing up, my father would say the same thing: "you can control A, E, E - attitude, effort, and energy." From that point forward, I've understood the power of the things that are in your control even if everything else is going wrong. You could have an off shooting day or turn the ball over a several times, but that doesn't stop you from having A, E, E.

I've realized this applies to so many other places too, and something I credit a lot of my success too. No matter how I'm "performing" in any given sense - I always can give attitude, effort, and energy. They don't cost anything, and that's their beauty.

A positive attitude is everything, nobody likes somebody negative. Positivity is contagious and transfuses into everybody around you. Same goes for negativity, so stay far away. Attitude is the underlying component that determines morale, team-building, and your relationships, so practice being positive.

Effort is the quality that no matter the situation, you can always give. You can always show up, and the person who continuously shows up, wins. Effort drives learning and improvement: a buildup of resilience, renewed determination, and learning from your mistakes and your successes.

Great energy is so clear once you're around it. It radiates the environment, uplifting and inspiring everyone. There's nothing better than being around somebody with great energy. It makes everyone want to be a better version of themselves, and that's really powerful on a large-scale.

So, I ask you to think about your A, E, E. Are they where you want them to be? If not, change them and see the rippling results. These intangibles are so important in a world where they're becoming rarer and rarer. They're priceless, but change everything.