Tyler Bruno's Blog

Be Coachable

Be coachable. Be somebody who is willing to listen, to learn, to grow. Being coachable means listening intently to mentors and applying their feedback to continuously improve. Allow yourself to receive feedback and guidance with grace, and use it to refine your skills and knowledge. It's all about being somebody who can easily be taught.

When you're coachable, everything falls into place. You improve faster. You learn more. You provide more value. People want to help others who want to be helped. It's easy to spot somebody who deflects feedback because they can't be wrong. Don't be that person. Always look for how you can be taught something, then apply it.

People who are coachable benefit from an incredible amount of wisdom that others would ignore otherwise. The best way to learn something is to learn from people who have already done it. They have a wealth of information that they're willing to share, you just have to listen. It's that simple: be ok with getting constructive criticism. It's only going to help you.

The more time you go without it, the more you are staying where you are. Even worse, you may be downwards spiraling. Who wants that? Who wants to live a life where you're not getting better every day? Open up your mind to opportunities to be coached. Let yourself hear honest guidance and use it. It's how you grow.

Everybody needs people in their life who tells you how it is. But there's a difference between hearing those people and actually doing something about it. Being coachable leads to everything: better relationships, better adaptability, better self-awareness, better growth. Be somebody who loves being coached.