Tyler Bruno's Blog

Be Delusional

Being delusional sounds bad, right? Who wants to be delusional in the first place? In reality, being delusional is one of the single greatest things you can do in life. Without a sprinkle of delusion, we mentally lock ourselves away from ever reaching our true potential. We question ourselves, we doubt ourselves, and we think: I'm not able to do what these other people are doing.

It's a myth. It's a lie. Don't fall for it. The people who are considered "the greats" had an immense amount of self-delusion. If you don't, nothing ambitious would ever be started. No company, no product that changes that world, no nothing. You have to have that sense of delusion to get started and believe you have any chance of succeeding in the first place.

I talk to so many people, from online to in-person, who say something along the lines of "I'm not special like those other people, I can't do blank thing". We've all heard this, and it's true. It's like we put these imaginary shackles on our mind that makes it feel like we don't have the ability to do that really hard thing. I'm here to say you do.

Everyone struggles with it. So much pain and suffering has to happen to do something you're proud of, but they say no pain no gain. Building the courage and delusion to take these daunting things head on is really difficult, but it's a superpower.

Don't waste your life feeling like you aren't capable of doing something or that you're not the "chosen one." Quit it. Go out and build. Free yourself from doubts. You don't need permission to go after that thing you want to do. Be delusional.