Tyler Bruno's Blog

Be Disciplined

Discipline is a key quality to have. Being able to control your behavior despite internal and external factors is a superpower. It sets you apart from everybody, because most don't have it. No matter the setback, it's about maintaining discipline: putting in the time while giving your all. This is how you become great.

Life is full of obstacles that may try to knock you off your game. It's just a test. Don't let it. A mindset centered on discipline allows you to stay grounded no matter what. You show up despite anything thrown at you. The moment things get tough, people quit. That's why not everyone is great. It takes a special kind of person to stick with it.

So don't get disheartened when things don't go your way. Stay focused. Stay calm. Realign yourself and get back to work. Dig up the self-control that I know you have. Make choices that put you in a better position than you were yesterday. Do this for long enough, and you're golden. Discipline is just the idea of controlling your mind.

But remember, it's not easy. It takes practice, it takes battling with your mind. That's where mental toughness comes in. It's going to suck, a lot. You're going to be tired. You're going to be hurting. That's when you continue to show up. Discipline means doing something because you know you should, and doing it despite any negative emotions.

Show yourself that you can do it. It's all a mental game, but you have what it takes. This is your sign that you do. Get your mind in check. Only think about one day at a time. Stay disciplined today. Then do it again tomorrow. And the next day. String together days full of discipline and you will adopt the mindset. You will transform.