Tyler Bruno's Blog

Be Humble

When life starts going your way, maybe you are now "successful" or have a lot of money, always stay humble. Nobody likes a self-centered, arrogant person. They're energy drainers, and people you don't want to be around. It's so clear when somebody feels like they're better than everybody around them. They put people down and make people feel bad about themselves.

Humility always wins. The people who you look up to yet they make you feel equal to them. The people who genuinely love to see you win and know life isn't a zero-sum game. The people who seem like a normal person when you talk to them. Those are the real, kind people you want to be around.

At the end of the day, the humble people know we are one team, no better than their fellow humans. I love seeing people who have "made it" that are still so down to earth. At events, they stay for hours after talking to everybody, because they genuinely care. Or, respond to emails when people look for advice. That's how we should all strive to be.

The people with the most humility are often givers, rather than takers. They feel indebted to the world around them, and want to give back however they can. They'll meet you, talk to you, anything to give you that push forward on your own journey. Now that's special.

No matter the money, fame, or success, always stay rooted. Remember where you came from. The people, the circumstances, the lessons that shaped you. Be yourself. Be kind. Be a giver. Give back to the world that lifted you up. Be humble.