Tyler Bruno's Blog

Beautiful Writing

Writing is an artform. As much as any other art, it's a way of conveying ideas, thoughts, and emotions. The amount that words can express is profound. Words have the power to create human connection. They can single-handedly change how you think and feel. They're immensely powerful.

I strive for beautiful writing, and so should everybody else. Our words are a vehicle into each other's minds. When I think what makes writing beautiful, I think clear and concise. I think raw heart and soul. You can feel beautiful writing. It should pop out and scream. It should flow, transmitting your ideas into the reader's brain.

Writing is just thinking. It's putting our distinct thoughts down. When it's down, we can edit and manipulate it, directly altering our thinking. Beautiful writing is just beautiful thinking. It's turning our messy thoughts into succinct sentences. That's why writing is so hard, because thinking well is no easy task.

It takes practice, a lot of it. It takes hours and hours grappling with your mind. There's periods where you can't get that one word you're looking for. That's the cost: it takes time to craft beauty in any form. Paying the price is the only way. You have to pay it to express your internal mind and share it with the world.

As you sit with a blank canvas in front of you, where do you start? You look inwards. You look towards your heart. Write from the soul. Each word is picked with care. At the end, you won't just have piece of writing, you will have something alive. Something breathing with life. That's why it's always worth it to write beautifully.