Tyler Bruno's Blog

Being Average Is Boring

Being average is boring. It's a choice, and a totally fair one. But for most, especially those reading this, your life is too valuable to be average. Think about it. There is a 1 out of 400 trillion chance that you're here right now. The amount of things that had to happen for you to be alive, conscious, breathing, with the opportunity to live is insane. You're a statistical miracle.

Why waste that? Why be average? You have one shot at life, so why not go do something extraordinary? Why not be the next generation's hero? 99% of people just follow the tracks laid for them by staying within the guardrails set by society. Don't do this. Break free from them. Blaze your own path.

Being average is a recipe for an average life. You don't want that. If you want to live this one life to the fullest, always aim above average. I know you want to be better than average. You just have to do it. To get where you want to go, to live the life you dream of, average doesn't get you there. You know that, but it's time to embody it.

With effort, average is where you land. It takes something more to reach levels higher than that. A new level of determination, of grit, of hard work, of resilience. But you have it in you. You have to let it unleash. Don't box yourself in to being average. You can do so much more than you think. I know it.

Don't trick yourself into believing that you can't transform. You can. You will. The time is now. Being average is ok, but you know that's not where you want to be. Show yourself that you can elevate everything about you. This life is too precious to be average. You got this.