Tyler Bruno's Blog

Breaking Through Mental Barriers

Our minds act as walls, as barriers between what we are doing now and the change we want to see. We have to break through these mental barriers to unlock our true potential. If we don't, we will only live a sliver of the life we would have otherwise. These barriers are built with the strongest material. It's really, really hard to break them down.

These barriers are built by us, one thought at a time. The good thing? If we built them, we can tear them down. You have the ability to knock it down through your future actions. Every action acts as several bricks removed. The big changes in your mindset, your attitude, your thoughts act as you sprinting through the wall, knocking it down in one blow.

Being able to push yourself is a skill that can be trained. This is at the core of breaking through mental barriers. What normally ends up happening is our mind tells us it's done far before what it is actually capable of. The issue is once our mind screams at us, we listen. That's giving in. You can't do this. Stretch yourself far beyond what you think you are capable of. This only makes these walls less stable for future breaking.

You're letting these mental barriers enclose your thoughts. Here's a very exciting, yet hard truth: there's a world out there that you have yet to even enter. You don't even know it exists because your thoughts have never wandered there. By breaking the barriers, you roam free. This makes all the difference in the world.

All you have to do is take that first swing at the barrier. Then take a second. Then take a third. Do it over and over until there are no more walls limiting yourself. It will suck, but everything you want is on the other side of something that sucks. The thing standing in your path are those damn mental walls. Break through them, starting now.