Tyler Bruno's Blog

Build Something Amazing

Build something amazing. Then, give it to those around you. You have a short time on Earth, so leave something behind that is bigger than yourself. It's one of the greatest things you can do. You show your deep appreciation and love for humanity by doing this. You also continue to live on long past you're gone.

This should set your soul on fire. The goal shouldn't be to build something good, but extraordinary. It should radiate craftsmanship, vision, and passion. Why build something if it's only going to be half-baked? Always shoot for something incredible. It will be obvious when it's reached that point. Never settle for anything less.

Building, creating, developing, all are so fulfilling yet not enough people do it. It's hard. It takes immense amounts of energy, drive, and conviction to make something that truly impacts the world and benefits those around us. We all are going on this journey called life together, so why not make it better for those going through it with us?

So get up, and go build something amazing. Go bang your head on the design of a product. Craft a seemingly impossible vision and go after it. Put something in the hands of people. Get feedback. Iterate. Just keep going until something extraordinary appears. The world will be better off because of it. That's what matters.

You need to produce more than you consume. Aim to build something by a deadline and put it out there. Don't let friction get in the way. Have an idea and attack until it gets done. There's no other way. It will take everything you have, but it's worth it. You will leave behind something deeply beautiful. That's the greatest gift you can give.