Tyler Bruno's Blog

Carpe Diem

Today has been one of those days where I've been stressing about the future. Where can I best apply myself? How can I have the best future possible? It's always draining to have the nagging feeling of the future infiltrate your thoughts. It's exciting to think about all the great things you can do, yet there's a point where it becomes toxic. I know we have all done this.

In moments like this, I remind myself to do the simple thing: breathe. Just relax. That everything will work out if you just go with the flow and be you. That's all you can do. Too often we always project ourself in the future where we miss the present. How does Ferris Bueller's quote go? "Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it."

A majority of us are never living in the present moment. It's sad, even sickening. We waste our lives always chasing the next thing or trying to be someone else that we don't even live. Just the thought hurts me.

I always fall back to my coach, teacher, and greatest mentor's life motto who has stage four brain cancer: Carpe Diem. Carpe Diem is Latin for "seize the day." Live in the present moment. Enjoy yourself. I have plenty of shirts and wristbands with the saying on it - it's that influential to me.

It's that reminder that life is so much more than the future. It's now. It's the moments we feel alive, and we can only feel those moments if we live in the present. Don't waste your unique life always chasing other people's ideals or that next thing, cement yourself here in this very moment.

The future is an exciting yet draining place if you interact with it in an unhealthy way. Think about it yet don't obsess. Trust that everything will work. Embrace the present moment. Carpe Diem, everyone.