Tyler Bruno's Blog

Childlike Curiosity

As we go through life, our inner child gradually begins to become suppressed. The wonder and curiosity in a kid's eyes slowly fades away as the weight of the world stacks on top of them. We all remember the pure, childlike curiosity we once had: always fascinated by a new topic or indulging in the tiniest of phenomenons.

That love for learning and life doesn't actually have to fade away. We can hold onto that piece of us that makes life special. That makes life worth living. The weight of the world: jobs, bills, struggles, all trap our inner child from escaping in full flesh, from roaring out into the world. Let that childlike wonder escape and breathe, flourish, come alive.

Yet, acting childish doesn't mean lacking maturity, it's about returning to our roots. Returning to when the minuscule discoveries filled us with joy. The most extraordinary people love to learn, always embracing the feeling of being a beginner, because beginners still have that true sense of wonder about the world around them.

Embrace that curiosity and let it drive you. Pick up a book about a topic that is totally unrelated to your discipline. Watch that lecture about the fascinating topic you've always wondered about. These are the moments where we can rekindle the flame of our inner child, letting it burn brighter than ever before.

Having true, unrelenting curiosity will bring you down paths that would make your past self so happy. Those dreams you once had that the world squashed can come alive once again. You can go back to looking around you and wondering why things work the way they do. Always asking questions, nurturing your passions. Feeding that childlike curiosity that has been starving for too long.