Tyler Bruno's Blog

Compounding Is Magic

Exponentials are beautiful. You're patient, continue showing up every day, then all of a sudden, everything takes off. The bedrock component of the exponential curve is compounding. It's magic. If you get better by 1% every day, after a year you'll be 37x better. If your business grows by 50% year after year, it will be huge in an incomprehensibly short period of time. Trust compounding.

We get stuck with being focused on linear results. We enjoy the consistent results even if tiny. In reality, everything incredible hits an exponential curve at a certain point. Linear results are dangerous because you never expand your thinking. You should always figure out how to think bigger. Add another couple zeros to any metric that you define as success.

When you think bigger, compounding becomes visible. You see its beauty and believe it's what you need to get where you want to go. So, expand your mind. Aim for exponentials, in career and life. Make your last year look like a footnote compared to this upcoming year. Don't ignore compounding. Look for it everywhere and do everything you can to foster it in your life.

We are all innately wired to like instant everything. But, compounding requires patience. It may take years to truly see the compounding magic. However, it will be so worth it. It will be unimaginable where it takes you if you put your faith in it. Everything takes time, especially compounding. Embrace it. Love it. Believe in it.

The moment you optimize your life around compounding, everything changes. A new world opens up to you that wasn't seen before. Opportunities will come that are only found through compounding. Don't focus on linear, learn to love the exponential. If you do so, you'll see the magic for yourself too.