Tyler Bruno's Blog

Connect The Dots Looking Backwards

The most valuable thing I ever learned from Steve Jobs was that you can't connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backwards. Too often, we try to understand why things are happening the way they are. We try to connect the dots with the information we have, but it's not possible.

Everybody has experiences where something bad happens to them. You didn't get that job. That opportunity slipped away. Only after a few weeks, months, or years later did it all make sense. There's a thought of "I see why everything happened the way it did". You come out the other side grateful for how it all worked out.

Adopt that mindset in the present. Go through each day understanding that whatever happens is meant to be. More importantly, that the dots will connect in the future and that it will all make sense in due time. Flow through life free from stress, anxiety, and worries. Just breathe. The puzzle pieces will connect. Just let the universe work its magic.

This all ties into another learning from Jobs: you need to have faith and belief that everything will work out. You need to find something that grounds you, something that makes you deeply trust that the dots will somehow connect in the future. That's really powerful, because with this, you're unstoppable. It lets you find a new sense of adaptability within yourself.

So, whatever recently happened to you that made you feel intense disappointment, I'm here to say: it will be ok. Your dots will connect and you will be amazed at the result. Continue to do your thing, stay positive, and let your gut, faith, mindset, beliefs, be the driving force. It's all going to fall into place soon. I promise you.