Tyler Bruno's Blog

Consistency Matters

There's not many things more important than pure consistency. We all hear from the people we look up to that the person who continuously shows up, often wins. You allow your luck surface area to increase, and luck eventually goes your way. But why do people struggle with staying consistent?

We all know the New Year's resolution struggle where everybody says they're going to do x, do it for a few days, and never do it again. It's a matter that it takes discipline to stick with something. It's uncomfortable. Humans don't like the feeling of uncomfort, so we turn our back on consistency. It's so frustrating to watch the cycle.

What we don't realize is that hopping around between things is really detrimental. Really focus on staying consistent. Without it, your results will plateau fast. Everything great takes a long period of raw, ordinary action. It's not always pretty. It takes hustle and grit to stick to something day in and day out, but they are the ones who do something extraordinary.

The last 5 years, I've ran 5-6 days a week, every week. It's had outsized impact, I'm physically more fit, mentally stronger, and learned so much about life through running. Now, I'm committing to writing every day. I want to see where it goes. No what-ifs anymore. I'm tired of myself and everyone around me limiting themselves. Don't have regret at the end of your life for all the stuff you could've done. Choose something and stick with it, magic will occur.

Seeing somebody waste their one chance at life is sickening. Remind the people around you to focus on something, and give everything towards it. Stay consistent for longer than few days or a few weeks. You can set yourself apart by always being consistent, because most don't. If you practice one hundred percent consistency for a year, your life will change. I promise you.