Tyler Bruno's Blog

Courage And Grit

Courage and grit. Two keys to life. If you have both, you unlock something that most don't have. The combination of the two make you unstoppable. No amount of obstacles or adversity can take you down, and that makes all the difference. Life is a journey. It's about navigating anything that is thrown at you. Courage and grit is what that's all about.

Courage gives us strength to overcome the setbacks. We all know it's inevitable. Life is full of them. So, being able to push through when things get tough makes all the difference. Courage leads to perseverance, and we need perseverance to make it out of the most difficult times. These qualities are interconnected. That's something to remember.

Grit is an underrated quality. At its core, it's the combination of passion and perseverance. It's even an uncommon word. Grit is about working hard towards your goals. It's about mental toughness, and not stopping no matter what. The more grit you have, the higher chance you hit your hardest goals.

So embrace these two. Be somebody who has courage and grit. Find them within yourself. Reflect and become a new person, a person who has these two qualities. If you do that, nothing can stop you. Anything you want to do, with a dose of courage and grit, is obtainable. They are foundational components of excellence.

Most don't have it because they're tough to muster up, and even harder to maintain. It's hard to maintain grit and courage when things get really rough. But, that's when you know if you actually have them or not. Don't shy away from the obstacles and hard things in life. It's where your courage and grit can shine through.