Tyler Bruno's Blog

Cultivating Self-Discipline

We all struggle with self-discipline at times. You know you should be doing x, but end up not doing it. Temptations pull you away from what really matters. The ability to control your desires is what self-discipline is all about. Being able to control your mind. If you can harness your mind, you can take on the world.

Cultivating self-discipline is hard, it takes a mental chess match against yourself. It is constantly pushing yourself to not run towards instant gratification and the easy rewards. It's telling your mind that you deserve to reach your hard goals, but it takes embracing discomfort. We all know we need a reminder that we slack off. That we aren't doing what we should be doing in our one chance at life.

It's a miracle you and I are here. Why waste it? Why let your goals slip through the cracks over something in your control? Get serious about conquering your mind. It's the largest leverage thing you can do. Procrastination goes out the window, you will be mentally and physically more fit, your goals will be achievable, and your relationships will prosper.

The best people I know all have immense self-discipline. They know what they have to do despite pain or discomfort. They push through anything that comes at them and turn away from distractions. Transform yourself into one of those people. It's hard, but so worth it. Self-discipline is what you need to finally stick to the principles you say you're going to stick to.

Controlling and regulating your own behavior and decisions has indescribable effects. When you can control your mind, you control your destiny. You don't let your mind walk all over you anymore. You're in control, nobody else. Self-discipline is the path to get you there. Cultivate it, starting now.