Tyler Bruno's Blog

Do Things Fast

Speed matters. It's not about moving fast for the sake of moving fast. It's about not letting any precious time slip through the cracks. Every second counts. In a life where we only get so many seconds, every second acts as an opportunity. You can't afford to be slow, not anymore. Do things fast.

Think about it. The ones who change the world, they don't wait around. They attack every moment of life. You need to squeeze every last drop out of your time. They move as fast as they can, making decisions in minutes not weeks. They understand that speed is the difference between capturing an opportunity and letting it pass by.

Speed is just about building momentum. The faster you move, the more opportunity to get a snowball rolling. It's about acting with urgency, because life is short, brutally short. You don't have the luxury of taking things slow. Slow means wasting life. You can't do that. Time is too precious.

If you start slow, you stay slow. But, if you start fast, you only get faster. Not reckless, but decisive. The world doesn't wait for you as you do things slowly. It keeps going even if you're not with it. So pick up the pace. Move faster. Think faster. Decide faster. At the end of your life, you won't regret moving quickly. You'll regret all the things you could've done if you moved faster.

Grasp the concept of time in your head. That makes speed matter. It's obvious between moving fast and moving slow which you should choose. It's time to accelerate your life into one that you've always wanted. The race is on. Do things faster. Don't get left behind.