Tyler Bruno's Blog

Don't Live In The Past

Don't live in the past. Focus on the present moment. The past is a place to enter to learn, but not a place to stay. It does you no good to dwell on the past. Move on. Move onto the bigger, better things that are happening now. You will never get this moment back, so don't throw it away. It will be thrown away if you keep living in the past.

There's a reason why in a car, the rearview mirror is only a fraction of the size of the windshield. The path in front of you is much more important than what's behind you. Just like driving a car, keep your eyes forward, only checking behind you at moments. That's how you conquer the highs and lows in life, because they're inevitable.

Don't get permanently stuck in the past. We all know those times where we are replaying past moments, imagining all the different ways it could've went and where we'd be. Why do that? That moment is done and gone. It's behind you. You can't go back and change how it went so stop living in those moments. It's pointless.

What's beyond scary is that when you're living in the past, you aren't even living your one life. Think about that for a second. As you replay those moments over and over, you're missing out on what's happening right now. You never even live. Snap out of it. You're literally ruining your life. I can't stress it enough: you aren't even living if you're in the past.

Make an enormous effort to stay in the present. Really focus on making sure you aren't residing in the past. Use it as learning, but no more. It's in the past for a reason. You have so much in front of you, but you're not even thinking about. What has happened is done. Everything that has happened was meant to be. Now go live in the present, where you're suppose to be.