Tyler Bruno's Blog

Dream In Decades

Life actually is quite long in the grand scheme of things, we just don't use our time wisely. When we dream, we often dream in years and forget about the decades. A year feels short yet a decade is a profound a period of time. You can do a lot in a decade. We overestimate what we can do in a year and underestimate what we can do in a decade.

Dream in decades. A year away can be forecasted, but a decade can't. You can do anything you want in a decade if you work towards it. So expand your horizons and think where you want to be in ten years. The possibilities are endless, then take the actions needed today to get one tiny step closer.

When you dream that far in the future, your ambition can grow in orders of magnitude. You don't constrain yourself, because literally anything is possible in that time frame. We don't zoom out enough. We are often laser-focused on what is in front of us and don't take the time to look at things from broader perspective.

So, take time to think that far in the future. What person do you want to be? What do you want to be doing? It's exhilarating to reflect upon. You can master skills, leave your mark on the world, and totally uproot your life. It's thrilling.

Forget about the short term. Set yourself up for the long term. Imagine the possibilities and always keep them in mind. Today may feel like slog or you may not have done what you wanted so far this year. Incrementally improve. Zoom out. You can do anything as long as you keep the decades in mind. Keep dreaming.