Tyler Bruno's Blog

Embrace Failure as a Teacher

Failure isn't your enemy. It's your greatest teacher, your toughest coach, your most brutal but honest friend. Stop running from it. Stop fearing it. Embrace it. Every time you fail, life is handing you a golden ticket to growth. What do most people do? Crumble it up and throw it away. They let their ego, their fear, rob them of life's greatest lessons.

The most successful people you know aren't always succeeding. They fail, and fail more than anyone. The only difference is they don't let it define who they are. They stare failure in the face and become better. They constantly refine who they are in the face of failure, not let it defeat them.

Every setback is setting you up for a comeback. With every failure, you're replanted, where you bloom better than before. It acts as a stepping stone. This is all necessary despite the pain and suffering. It's part of life. You can learn so much from failure. Let it act as your teacher. Rather than "why me?", ask "what can this teach me?"

Stop trying to avoid failure. Start trying to fail better. Fail faster. The more you fail, the more you learn which gets you closer to your goals. Have a flywheel of failure. It means you're growing and pushing yourself. If you never fail, are you even living? Think about that.

Failure is unintuitive. It's actually a part of success. So next time you fail, and you will, don't hang your head. Keep your chin up and keep going. Embrace failure as your teacher and there's nothing you can't learn and overcome. The choice is yours: let failure defeat you, or let it educate you. Choose wisely.