Tyler Bruno's Blog

Embrace the Unknown

Uncertainty leads to growth. It's the times where you walk bravely into the unknown that you transform. The unknown is a world we are all constantly living in. It's one where we don't know what the next day, hour, or minute holds. We continue to put one foot in front of the other into the fog and come out of the other side. We are uncomfortable, stressed, and anxious. We all just want to know what the future holds.

Unfortunately, this isn't how it all works. Life is a never-ending journey of walking into the unknown. That's why we have to embrace it. The unknown doesn't have a good perception around it, but it doesn't have to be this way. You can learn to embrace the unknown. Actually make it a place you thrive in. Do this and you unlock what you need to do anything in life.

So, reflect on how you can conquer uncertainty. How can you have peace in it and keep moving? If you figure this out, you're golden. If I had to guess, you don't like the unknown currently. Change this. You will discover new information, perspectives, and worlds. Expand your experiences and transform as a person. All this is possible by walking where you've never walked before.

Internalize that you will never know about the future, but you can alter it. It's in your hands. You can act now to change the unknown that you will continue walking through for the rest of your life. There are so many more possibilities in the unknown. Don't stay where you are at, keep exploring. Why stay where you are when there's worlds you've yet to uncover?

Unbelievable growth comes from this. If you don't build the courage to keep moving even despite negative emotions, you will limit yourself. Unblock your mind and push through the emotions. The unknown has great things waiting for you. You just have to keep going into it. One foot in front of other.