Tyler Bruno's Blog

Fear Of Failure

Fear of failure. It rings true for many people. Too many of us can't stand failure. It haunts us. It makes us crumble. This shouldn't be the case. We should love to fail. We should welcome it with open arms. Even run towards it. Why? Because it means we are learning, growing, transforming. Don't fear failure.

When we fear failure, we lock ourselves into to what we believe we can do, which is often a fraction of what's true. Imagine going through your entire life, not wanting to fail. You will live the tiniest fraction of the life that you would've if you were just ok with failing. It's sickening. You wasted your life. How can that not flip your perspective on failure?

The issue is society views failing as a negative thing. It naturally incentivizes people to avoid it at all costs. In reality, it's something necessary if you want to live the life of your dreams. Everything you want to accomplish or experience will come with tons of failure. It's guaranteed. So, fearing failure makes you never go after these things.

Right now, your fear of failure is ruining everything for you. Get out of the mindset that failing is bad. Learn from it and keep going. Don't let your mind believe that the people around you will judge you. If they are, they shouldn't be around you anyways. So believe in yourself in the face of failure, and go live the life you truly want.

On your trajectory, you won't accomplish everything you want. Flip your mindset on its head. Look for the largest, most challenging things and do them. Fail a ton, learn, fail some more. This cycle is how you do great things. It's how you overcome all those internal fears. Keep failing. Eradicate your fear of failure, it's how you change your life.