Tyler Bruno's Blog

Find Joy Every Day

One of the most valuable things I've learned recently is to find joy every day. Life is too short to be miserable. We go through each day waiting for the weekend, waiting for the next vacation, waiting for that next thing that will fill us with joy. Unfortunately, that perfect future doesn't exist, and the great moments come and go. Your life is happening right now, find joy.

It's easy to find joy in the grand, life-changing events. But, that's not what this is about. It's about finding immense joy in the everyday life, the little things. You don't even realize it, but you're overlooking them. The first sip of your drink in the morning, the chats with friends and family, the beautiful weather. Joy surrounds you all the time. You just have to see it.

Open up your arms to joy and welcome it. Let it hit you. Every day, make it a mission to feel joy in the everyday parts of life. No matter how things are going, it's important to remember that you can still find joy. You are living right now. That's a miracle in itself. It's powerful to think about this, because it totally changes your outlook on life.

The most successful people have found joy in the journey. They love the little things they do which is their secret weapon. They beat you, because they love what they do. It's because of this that they win. Joy fuels you. It energizes you. It makes you resilient. Joy is a choice that any of us can make. It turns into a habit. Start now.

Don't let another day go by full of negativity and complaints. That's a waste of a day and life is already short. You can't be throwing away days. Find the joy in today, no matter how small. When you're joyful, you become a beacon of light in a world that desperately needs more light. So, what are you waiting for? Find joy today. Right now. If not now, when?