Tyler Bruno's Blog

Find The Best People

I can't think of many things more important than the people you surround yourself with. Setting your bar extremely high is one of the best things you can ever do. You converge to the people around you, so being around the best will make you your best.

You want people who you want to become like, because you will. It's people who give you energy rather than drain you. It's people who inspire you to be the best version of yourself. You should think: "I'm so lucky to have these people in my life." This is how you know you've found the people you're meant to be around.

The biggest leaps in my personal life is when I've changed who I hung around. Don't be afraid to diverge paths from those around you. It's totally normal to evolve and change. Holding onto something that isn't right will only drag you down. It's like a boat anchor on your life.

When you're around the best, great things happen. If you put the best people together, magic happens. Getting into those circles is a huge unlock. Do whatever you can to get into them. A great metric when you don't know what direction to follow: where are the best people? This acts as a way to point you in the right direction.

We all know how important the people we surround ourselves with are. We constantly hear it, but often become complacent. In reality, it's the last thing we should become indifferent about. Amazing things happen when you're around the best people for you. Find them.