Tyler Bruno's Blog

Find Your Enthusiasm

Finding the things that truly excite you is one of the best parts of life. Once you've found it, you're set free. Your soul can run wild. When you view life through the lens of enthusiasm, it makes life a whole lot simpler. You can run towards what you enjoy and love, and run away from the things that are the opposite. It's that simple.

Life is short, so why do anything that doesn't excite you? Position yourself to take advantage of all the things that you find exciting in life. You'll be happier, more energized, and better than you've ever been. You no longer have to find the energy to slog through life. You will be excited to get every opportunity to wake up in the morning. That's what enthusiasm does.

Everybody should have the experience of finding what you're wholeheartedly enthusiastic about. It really makes the overthinking aspects of life fade away. There are no questions about what you should be doing or how you should spend your time. This leaves pure, undistracted time to live. Just purely living.

Enthusiasm is also in the set of ingredients for everything great ever accomplished. It's hard to do anything amazing if you aren't filled with joy while doing the thing. Improvements, progress, innovations, all come from a group of highly enthusiastic people pouring it all into something they jointly love. Being around these groups is life-changing.

So, find your enthusiasm. Look inwards. Deeply reflect on what truly excites you, not just what other people are excited by. Trust your gut. When you find it, you'll know. It will be obvious. When you know what it is, go all in towards it. Everything else falls into place.