Tyler Bruno's Blog

Find Your North Star

In life, you need to find the things that get you out of bed in the morning. The things that set your soul on fire and make you grateful to be alive. The things that are bigger than yourself. Your north star provides clarity, direction, and purpose in a rapidly changing world. It assists you in navigating your life's journey with intention and purpose.

Finding your north star is really hard. It takes introspection and deep reflection of your strongest values and aspirations. But, you'll know when you found it. There will be no doubt, because you feel it so deeply. This is an enlightening moment as the fog of life slowly fades away and you can see clearly for the first time.

Your north star acts as a guidance principle like a decision framework, guiding you through the highs and lows. It makes focusing on what truly matters easy, as your purpose is in front of you. Your energy and time can be spent where they truly matter. You can push through any obstacles or setbacks that life throws at you.

The beauty is you can't fake your north star. It'll slowly fizzle away if so. It needs to be real and authentic if it will seriously act as a compass. This is why it can't be rushed. It especially can't be searched for, it needs to come to you. It's that saying: what you search for evades you. Let it come find you.

When you experience it, it's like a feeling of no other. You're filled with energy and clarity, and everything makes sense. There's no tossing and turning, just a unrelenting desire to pour your heart and soul into it. Finding your north star is a transformative experience. Yet, don't look just live.