Tyler Bruno's Blog

Finding Peace In Chaos

Chaos is complete disorder or confusion. It's when life punches you in the face. It's when the world around you is flying by, but you feel in slow motion. Conquering these moments is key to finding peace in them. We better learn how to manage chaos, because life is chaotic. It always will be.

It is really hard to manage these moments. It takes mental strength and a sense of calm. When you know you will weather any storm, sitting in the storms become much easier. You don't just have the inner peace to fight off the storm, but embrace it. Take it in, experience it, even love it.

Many feed on chaos. They've learned to love and gravitate towards it. Tranquility irritates them and they thrive on going into places that are seemingly uncomfortable. They're wired in a way that if they aren't pushing themselves to discomfort, they aren't doing enough. If they aren't constantly dealing with confusion, they aren't pushing their mind enough. This is an extremely valuable trait to develop.

Why you may ask? Because nothing worth going for is easy. JFK said it: we do things not because they are easy, but because they are hard. Hard means there will be chaos, so to do hard things, we need to learn to love chaos. It's a superpower.

Go out and learn to run towards things that others run away from. Runs towards hard. Run towards discomfort. If you stand in the chaos for long enough, you learn it actually calls for you. It's a home that you previously never entered. It's an environment that sucks you in and doesn't let you go. Chaos isn't actually a bad thing, it's peaceful.