Tyler Bruno's Blog


Focus is something that is going out of style. In the digital age, everybody constantly context switches through swiping on their phone. Or, refusing to say no to anything that comes their way. These things are making the power of focus fade away.

However, focus is a commodity you can earn, gain, and learn. It's a superpower. Sticking with one thing for a long period of time is one of the easiest ways to achieve something great. Too often some other shiny pursuit steals our attention and leaves us deprived of what could've been.

Coworkers of Steve Jobs have expressed how focus was the core element of the successful creation of the iPod. He believed that to do something extraordinary, the team needed to deflect distractions and pour everything they had into this one thing. Often narrowing your focus can be the ingredient you're missing in the recipe of success.

Personally, when my focus is pulled away by external sources, I feel off. Just yesterday, we had a big concert on campus. I went, but this morning I felt off my game. My focus towards the things that matter to me was sucked away, and that feeling is tough. It's important to have fun, but even more important to choose what you do. I let other people dictate what I did, and I need to be better at guarding my focus.

I've noticed when I put my energy and effort towards a smaller number of things, good things happen. Spreading yourself too thin and being mediocre at all of them is a terrible feeling. It may feel good that you're taking on so much to show off, but in reality, you're killing your potential.

Harness focus and you're on the path to do something great. Something that isn't in your wildest imagination.