Tyler Bruno's Blog

Focus On The Details

Focus on the details. It's easy to get caught up in the big picture, but the truth is, the details are where the magic happens. Every grand vision is built on a foundation of seemingly insignificant actions. Little details make big things happen. They compound. Don't overlook them. They mean everything.

Think about it. The difference between mediocrity and excellence are the tiny details. The details are the thing that actually moves the needle forward. It's the technique when you lift in the gym, the additional proofread of your work, the focus on the design of your product, that make all the difference. These aren't grand gestures, but they set you apart. They separate the good from the great.

Never neglect the details. Take pride in everything you do. When you dismiss the details, you are dismissing the chance at a beautiful result. Everything beautiful is a result of somebody intensely focusing on the details. They understand their importance. So, don't settle. Don't settle for "good enough". That's not ok. Always strive for more beauty.

Next time you catch yourself settling, realign your focus on the details. You will be surprised by what happens when you embody what you're doing. Give everything you have to it. That means focusing on the tiniest of things. It's what gives results. You can tell when somebody takes pride in the details. You know when a team centered their product around nailing the tiny things.

Focusing on these things isn't about perfectionism. It's just about realizing the significance of doing something beautiful and how to get there. Let details act as your secret weapon. Because in the end, it's the culmination of all the tiny stuff that define the larger picture. Never forget the importance of the details.