Tyler Bruno's Blog

Give People Their Flowers

Our world needs more love, positivity, and kindness. We need to give those around us their flowers. This means when you think something kind, tell them. Why hold it in? Why not say something? It will make their day. A few words that take a couple of seconds can totally change their day, week, month. Kindness is the way forward in a seemingly constant, negative world.

Open your mouth and say the words. Message them right now. Write a hand-written note. Make their day. It's all about ripples. They will go on and do the same for those around them, and those people will continue it, and so on. The world will be a better place. Start that positive ripple around you. Don't hesitate. It costs nothing, but means everything.

You know the feeling of somebody saying something genuinely nice to you. It made you smile. It gave you reassurance that what you're doing is the right thing. It made you feel good inside. You can do the same for others. You can be the beacon that our world is so often missing.

Positivity is a powerful force. Lift up those around you. Praise them to their face, but even when they aren't in the room as well. We don't have enough of it. People are too hesitant to send a kind message. I'm not sure why, it's one of the best things you can do. Tell people that they're doing amazing work. Tell them you love what they're doing. Them them you appreciate them.

The bottom line is don't assume people know these things. Be vocal. Remind them that they have immense value and worth. People around you aren't thinking about this, so they don't know. Constantly elevate, appreciate, love those around you. Spread it far and wide. Give people their flowers. We need more kindness in the world.