Tyler Bruno's Blog


We should all be a little more grateful. We often forget, we are experiencing something that is so rare: life itself. The chances of us evolving the way we did or getting the opportunity to be conscious and alive is so tiny that it's mind-blowing. It's inconceivable in fact. I'm a big thinker, my mind tends to drift to bigger questions like "why are we here?" and "what is the meaning of all this?"

I never can find an answer specifically, but it always leaves me simply thankful for the chance to live, experience, feel, think, dream, grow, learn, inspire. Even when days are poor, our gratitude should still be off the charts. When we view through the lens of gratitude, all the bad suddenly fades away.

For example, I have a final exam today. In the past, I'd be worried, stressed about my grade, and more. Now, this is fun to me. I get to use my one of a kind brain to answer questions about everything great I learned over the last couple months. It's another life experience, and that's awesome. I know this sounds odd, but reframing is really powerful to make life so much better.

Gratitude has the power to turn ordinary days into extraordinary ones. When you're grateful for the life you have and everything around you, everything else falls into place. You cement yourself in the present, where the rollercoaster of life doesn't have as much of an effect on you. You feel grounded, grateful, and lucky to be alive.

Try reframing your thinking today. You'll find yourself happier and less anxious. Gratitude is ultimately a practice of appreciating what we have and not focusing on what we lack. Humans are innately wired to want more, more, more, but you have to push against that. Be grateful for all you have and the opportunities we get each and every day. Life is amazing, now let's act like it.