Tyler Bruno's Blog

Great Culture

What even is "culture"? I see it as a shared set of values, mindsets, and attitudes towards something specific. The things you value in a culture changes depending where you are. At home with family you feel empowered by a different culture than in your work. So, culture is fluid, but is extremely important to get right.

Finding the culture that you thrive in is a big unlock. Maybe you want a company that moves blazingly fast and ships to users frequently or a place that practices trust and a flat company structure. It's like a choose your own adventure game. You can combine different ones too.

When you find it, you know you did. It's unexplainable. It just feels right. Everybody around you embodies the same values and shares a common mindset. You feel the invisible thread that weaves everybody together, all sharing a mission. You're one entity, all moving together.

Creating this culture is single-handedly one of the greatest challenges for founders. The best I've ever seen at it is Brian Chesky. When you hear him speak about culture, you want to work for a place like it. Go listen to him if you want a masterclass.

An extraordinary culture is one where innovation and collaboration is the bedrock. Trust and unity fills in the cracks, resulting a unified group who values one another. You should feel like your best self every day who feels a calling to do what you're about to do. This takes constant nurturing and alignment. Culture isn't static, it's free-flowing as the company evolves. Great culture is an artform and the best people can create an amazing one.