Tyler Bruno's Blog

Great Feedback Is Everything

Great feedback is everything. It's your guide through the moments in life that you're unsure or confused about the next step. There's a stigma surrounding feedback: that feedback is a negative thing that happens when you're wrong or doing poorly. That's not true. You can be at the top of the top doing great, and great feedback is still crucial.

If we never get any feedback, we become tunnel visioned. We tend to think we know more than we do. The reality is we need external thoughts to ever get a clear view of what we have to do and what the next step is. You should run towards feedback, treat it as gold. It's a currency that allows you to rapidly improve in whatever you're doing.

Giving great feedback is a transaction that benefits both parties. One party receives the feedback and can improve, while the other party shows how much they care, and get the opportunity to watch you evolve. Sounds like a win-win situation. So take the time to give constructive, thoughtful feedback and look to find the people who can give it to you too.

All it does is improve performance, build stronger relationships, boost morale, and leave everyone better off. You may hate feedback, because it may feel personal. Learn the people you should listen too, and take it as learnings. People want the best for you. One way to show that is by them giving feedback. Don't shy away from it.

If you block yourself from feedback, you will plateau. You need outside minds to help you level up. It takes a village to get where you want to go. It follows the saying: "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." Getting and receiving feedback is the way to "go together". Embrace the beauty of great feedback.