Tyler Bruno's Blog

Habits Are Everything

Habits mean everything. They're the force behind our behavior, and fundamentally shape our lives. Bad habits ruin your life. Great habits change your life. Smoking a single cigarette a day is detrimental to your health yet reading for ten minutes is life-changing. Habits can be about the hours you spend a day doing something, but really they're about the small things we do throughout the day that add up.

My father taught me: little things matter most. The little details, the ten minutes spent here or there, it all cumulates much more than we realize. A fascinating thought I love is if you create a habit of doing x for ten minutes a day, which everybody can do, you will have done it for 3650 minutes or about 61 hours over the course of a year. You can get pretty damn good at something in that amount of time.

Habits are all about embodying the person you want to be. Want to be a programmer? Curate a programming habit. Want to expand your mind? Create a reading habit. Allocating these small amount of time into different areas is the bedrock of upending your life for the better. Things don't take a lot a time, they just take the grit to turn it into a habit.

Every small action we repeat defines who we want to become. I can't stress it enough. Our habits are the evidence behind the future we envision for ourselves. Look at them, and they'll show you if you're going in the right direction.

Making a habit is hard, I know, but I can't see something more worthwhile. Literally, your actions are the single greatest indicator of direction. Fix them. Change them. Improve them. If you do so, everything else changes. Habits are how you unlock yourself - deeply think, plan, and create the right ones.