Tyler Bruno's Blog

Hard Work Pays Off

Hard work is the missing ingredient to achieve anything you want. Without hard work, working smart can only take you so far. To take the leap you're hoping for, that requires both. It's simple: the more hours you put in, the more output. With one caveat, you aren't at the point of extreme diminishing returns or affecting your health. Hard work within the limit is the key.

Often, we like things easy. We want instant results. We don't want to have to work for the things we really want. That's why not everybody is incredibly successful. There's a cost yet it's not cheap. It's hard to work hard. That's why not many people do. I'm here to say, it's worth the cost. It pays off if you put the work in.

Something I've noticed from my personal life is when I put in hours and hours of work no matter what, eventually extraordinary things happen. It's the same thing for everybody else. You need to be willing to stare hard work in the face and do it, not just say you're going to. Stop shying away from the cost. Ten years from now will come, so you might as well achieve your dreams in the meantime.

Continuously iterate your approach while you're pouring the hours in. Get better every day. The hours don't matter if you're working on the wrong thing or not iterating relentlessly. Hard work has a cost, but we get to choose where we are spending the hours. It's our currency. Spend it wisely.

I can't say it more: work hard. Quit the wasting time. All your dreams are on the other side of something hard. Break through that wall with hard work. It's time. It's time for you to go all in. See the amazing place it leads you. The universe will reward you for your hard work. Always remember that.