Tyler Bruno's Blog

It's Ok To Be Wrong

It's ok to be wrong. It's ok to not know everything. School, jobs, and society force us to try to know it all and even worse, pretend that we do. In reality, some of the most powerful words you can use are "I don't know". We are human. We will come up short. But that doesn't mean you should get discouraged. It's actually the opposite.

Every time you're wrong, every mistake, every failure is an opportunity to learn, to grow, to improve. By internalizing that it's ok to be wrong, you allow yourself to have these moments. These make all the difference. You become more resilient. You level up. When you know how to fail at something with grace, that's a stepping stone to success.

People love others who have the courage to admit they're wrong. It shows your maturity and vulnerability. So be that person. You gain respect from them and respect for yourself. Have humility. Question yourself. Challenge your preconceived beliefs. Being wrong is the best way to evaluate where you are at in life.

What's amazing is being wrong doesn't mean you failed at life. It doesn't mean you're stupid. It doesn't mean you're lesser than others. It means you're strong. You recognized you were wrong and owned it. You're not alone, because everybody is wrong. The goal is to use your shortcomings to be less wrong in the future.

It's ok to stumble. It's ok to fall and get back up, over and over again. It's ok to mess up. All of this contributes to your learning. It allows you to become the person you want to be. It's all a part of the journey to get there. Keep failing. Keep being wrong. Just always become a better version on the other side of it.