Tyler Bruno's Blog

It's Ok To Not Know Everything

Some of the most powerful words when stringed together are "I don't know". It's ok to not know everything. It's impossible to know everything yet often we feel like we have to know it all. It's overwhelming. But, it doesn't have to be this way. You can free yourself from these expectations. Just say you don't know. It's that simple.

Take pride in being able to concede you don't something, but you will go learn it. Faking it is draining. People appreciate when you have the courage to just say you don't know something rather than pretending like you do. It's obvious when you don't too. Even more importantly, knowledge isn't finite. It's impossible to learn everything. Engaging in the process of learning for pure curiosity is the correct approach in a world with an abundant amount of information.

So, embrace curiosity. Be willing to continuously learn. When you internalize that it's ok to not know everything, life becomes more fun. You don't feel the weight of the world on you. You feel lighter. You understand that you don't know everything which propels you to new heights. You can focus on learning what you enjoy, not what the world wants you to learn.

Stop trying to learn everything. Narrow your focus. Internalize the idea that it's impossible to know everything. It's much better to accept it than trying to continue to force as much information in your brain as possible. It takes courage to do this. It takes bravery to say you don't know something.

Also, no you won't look stupid. Trying to be a know-it-all is much worse. Nobody likes them. Be open about everything you don't know. Watch how much people appreciate it. They won't laugh at you, but respect you even more. Always remember: it's ok to not know everything. Keep moving with the information you have.