Tyler Bruno's Blog

Just Do The Work

Just do the work. It's that simple, and remember, simple is powerful. Way too often, I hear people ask about the shortcuts, the ways to get around the grind. They obsess about "processes" and "systems". They try to perfect everything and end up delaying the real work. If this sounds like you, it's time to change.

The reality is: you have to do the work. There's no getting around it. That sucks to hear. There are no shortcuts. The best people spend a ton of time doing something, they continuously iterate and constantly become better. That's it. There's your trick that you wanted. It takes hard work and determination.

We naturally want easy. But, it's hard. If you want to paint like Picasso, paint a lot. If you want to program like Carmack, program a lot. If you want to shoot a basketball like Curry, shoot a basketball a lot. It's literally the only way. I can't stress it enough. You have to do the work. Great things don't come instantly.

To become great at something and to achieve great things, it takes relentless consistency over a very long period of time. You have to pour everything into it and think in decades, not days. You don't become great overnight. You slowly transform into greatness through a continuous process.

Don't overthink everything. Act with simplicity. Don't try to design for shortcuts and "hacks". Just show up every day and do the work. If you do that for a very long period of time, magic happens. Stop trying to skip the work. It's not going to work. Once you accept this, you're on your way. So go do the work now, no more looking for easy. Embrace the work.