Tyler Bruno's Blog

Just Keep Doing Things

Action produces information. At any given time, we are acting on the information that we have at that current moment. So, don't get paralyzed. Make a decision and keep moving. The only way to get more information is by continuously doing things with the subset of information you do have. If you never do things, no new information will be produced.

Too many people fall into this trap. They approach a tough decision and get stuck. They're idle. They don't know what to do, but in reality, the best thing they can do in that moment is keep moving. The worst thing you can do is doing nothing at all. Do things even if you don't think they are the optimal thing. Something is better than nothing.

If you do the suboptimal thing, more information is produced which can be used to make your next decision. If you never did it, you'd be stuck right where you are. That's not good. Life is a game of continuously moving and adapting. It's a positive feedback cycle where every action generates new insights, positively fueling your next moment.

Remember this next time you're idle. Continue to move down the river even if you're not going at the desirable pace. It's better than not going at all. As these new insights come in, you can refine your decisions, and produce even better insights that can be used to make even better actions, and so on. Now you see the value of doing anything at all even if it's not the right thing.

We are all guilty of falling into this trap. We cement ourselves where we are because we don't think the next action is the right one. It doesn't matter. Take the tiniest step in a direction then correct course. Do this over and over until you get where you want to go. You deserve to keep moving. Achieve this by just doing things.