Tyler Bruno's Blog

Keep Things Simple

Simplicity is beautiful. Too often, complexity infiltrates what we are doing. We think to make a great product, to have a great life, or anything else, it needs to be complex. In reality, it's the opposite. Simplicity is what you have to embrace. Pure, raw simplicity is where the greatest things happen.

We all need to go back to the basics more often. We get tied up in the advance things, that we forget that the value comes from the foundational, simple things. Take a second and try to spot the areas you're introducing unnecessary complexity into. Ask yourself if you can do it simpler? I bet you can, and you should.

Simplicity is the bedrock of everything great. A simple life is a great life. A simple yet high quality product is better than an overly-complex, low quality one. A simple business structure is better than a complex one. You can see, keep things simple. When you do this, you can focus on what matters and not get tangled in all the complexity you introduced.

Get the idea out of your head that complexity equals being cool. It doesn't. I think a lot of time, we try to show off through complexity, because something simple doesn't seem as cool. We pile on complexity anywhere we can. However, it's the wrong approach. It's not how you achieve what you want to achieve or live the life of your dreams. The best keep things simple.

So, keep complexity as far away as possible. Aim for simplicity. Why? Because it's beautiful. Don't let complexity slow you down. Push it aside and move forward with a new mindset centered on simplicity. You won't regret keeping things simple. It adds a layer of clarity at moments you need it. Leave complexity behind.