Tyler Bruno's Blog

Leave A Legacy

Leave a legacy. It's not just about being remembered. It's about making a mark that lasts long after you are gone. We're all writing our stories every day. What would you like yours to be? It's something to seriously think and reflect about. On your current trajectory, is it one worth leaving behind? Sit upon that thought. Soak it in.

Your legacy isn't something that magically comes about at the end of your life. Every small action and decision contributes a little at a time. Nothing is too small to contribute to your legacy. It's a sum of your impact, your influence, your contribution to the world. Strive to leave something behind that's bigger than yourself. It doesn't have to be earth-shattering, even small ripples matter.

Think about the people who've shaped you. The ones who pushed you, inspired you, believed in you when you didn't believe in yourself. They single-handedly left a legacy by leaving their mark on you. You can do the same thing for others. Honestly, it boils down to the lives you've touched. Wealth and materialism go out of the window with legacy. Be remembered for something bigger, more profound.

If you like it or not, every day, you're building your legacy. Each day acts as a brick that's a part of a masterpiece. Every day you waste is a brick placed in the wrong position or even worse, not placed at all. So, stand for something. Stop playing small. Push boundaries. Create, innovate, inspire. Do work that matters.

You don't need others approval in how you want to leave the world behind. Leave it a little better than how you found it. Decide you will give your all every day, and never settle for anything else. Because, that's what a legacy is all about at the end of the day: a life lived fully, purposefully, courageously. So, what's your choice going to be? It's in your hands. Make this life count.