Tyler Bruno's Blog

Let's Push Forward Together

Let's push forward together. I think we often forget: we are one team. We are one common humanity, all with the same mission of a more prosperous future. Too often we get it mixed up, we think the people to the left and right of us are on different teams. That's fundamentally false. We are all here together, unified and banded together.

When we look at life through this lens, it becomes drastically more exciting. Disagreements are now seen as a discussion in how to make things better. Competition is seen as everybody pushing as hard as they can to make a better future for all. Things become a lot simpler when you view things from this perspective.

Let's be united as one common humanity. Think about the future we can create if we did this. The moment that you realize this, you understand how profoundly beautiful life can be. All it takes is a shift in mindset. The world doesn't have to turn dystopian to have respect for all people. I hope this future surfaces.

So, be somebody who is wholeheartedly on team humanity. Lift up those around you. Provide help if they need it. We will all be better off if we get as many people through their own personal finish line. We've all heard "it takes a village". Let's embrace that. We are all a part of this village. We need to act like it.

Going forward, always remember we are on team. Let's push forward together and make a world that is unimaginable. A better future is not out of reach. We can make rapid progress. We can make all of humanity better off. We can leave this life knowing we did everything we can to set up the next generation. It's the least we can do.