Tyler Bruno's Blog

Love Being A Beginner

We should all love being a beginner more than we do. There seems to be a view that being a beginner isn't a good thing, and we should get out of the stage as soon as possible. In reality, being a beginner is something that should be loved, embraced, and cherished. Rather than turning away, welcome it with open arms.

The beauty of being a beginner at something is you get to marvel at this vast world that you've yet to enter. So many twists and turns that will take you places you never expected. Being a beginner again means rekindling that childlike curiosity that often fades away as we become experienced in a subject. You can now follow that curiosity into a brand new, unexplored world.

This comes at a price. Learning to love the feeling. The feeling at first can be quite uncomfortable. Who wants to be a beginner, right? Actually, everybody you look up to does. The amazing people we all look up to aren't scared of not knowing something and thrive on exploration. They love being a beginner.

By being a beginner, you consequently reach stages of mastery. None of these people just magically became great at what they do. It takes a lot time of sucking at it before the magic happens. Often, they aren't just great at their respective subject, but have a profound understanding and perspective on the world around them. They got this by loving the journey of continuous learning that comes with the beginner stages.

Don't be scared to be a noob. It's actually better than knowing everything. It's where the real growth happens. If you can change your perspective on being a beginner, your rate of learning and growth will go exponential. Stop being scared. Go dive into that subject that's frightening. Pick up that fascinating book. Embrace sucking at something. Being a beginner is awesome.