Tyler Bruno's Blog

Love Rejection

Rejection is scary. It's daunting and paralyzing. Nobody likes the feeling of building up the courage to ask for something, just for the response to be "no". But, it's necessary. It unlocks doors that you didn't even know were there. All you have to do is ask.

If you commit yourself to loving rejection, you free yourself from your mind. Your mind hates it, and will do everything in it's power to avoid it. Don't let it win. Rejection is like a muscle, you have to flex it for it to become stronger. The only way to become ok with being rejected is to be rejected more, quite the paradox.

The greatest things in life come from asking for things. Close mouths don't get fed. If you've done the work, ask for something. You'd be surprised how often the answer is yes. This single thing dramatically changes your life. You single-handedly change your trajectory the moment you are ok with the possibility of hearing no.

Make rejection a habit. Aim to be rejected once a day or once a week. Cold email somebody you want to work with or ask for the raise. The worst you hear is no, the upside is you get what you want. Sounds like a win-win to me.

Asking for things and loving rejection in the process is a huge unlock. The best things to happen to myself or others around me are a result of continuously putting yourself in the position to be rejected. Embrace the feeling. Love being rejected, and you'll love the results.