Tyler Bruno's Blog

Love What You Do

Love what you do. Life is too short to do anything else besides the things you love. Too often, we slog away our lives doing things that we don't even enjoy. As you read that, it's so obvious: why would anybody do that? Why do people do anything besides what they love? It's a weird phenomenon. People are oddly too willing to let what they love pass by.

I believe it stems from embarrassment, fear, dread, anxiety, and so much more. It's in our heads. Because of these reasons, we lock our true loves away. We settle. We let the fear of failure overcome us. We become paralyzed, never doing what we are actually meant to do. We think "I don't have time to do what I love". All these things are detrimental to our lives.

When you do what you love, everything flows. You feel at peace in a chaotic world. You feel an odd sense of calmness, that you are where you're suppose to be, doing what you're meant to do. Don't run away from that feeling. Stumble upon it by letting yourself free from all emotions. Let yourself do what you love, and nothing else.

I've also done a lot of thinking about Job's thoughts on this. He says "the only way to do great work is to love what you do". It's true. If you don't love it, how are you going to pour your all into it? You won't go the extra mile to do extraordinary things if you're waiting for it to end. You need to feel immersed in a world. This only happens when you love it.

So, stop settling. You have one chance, but want to do spend it on things you only like a little? That's ridiculous. You're meant to do what you love. Go out and obsess over it. It will fill your heart and soul with joy. If you do this, you will have lived a life worth living, and at the end of the day, that's all we are shooting for.