Tyler Bruno's Blog

Maintaining Focus

Maintaining focus is a superpower. It's rare. In an attention economy where screens flash at us a large majority of the day, it's brutally difficult to own your thoughts and actions. Even on a broader scale, opportunities are becoming more available than ever before. So many flashy things that focus becomes a struggle.

We should all put an emphasis on focus in our lives. When you're at your desk doing work, focus. When you have a goal, avoid other shiny possible goals. When you're with family and friends, resist distractions of all kinds. Being in the moment, staying in the present, at its core, is what focus is all about.

True focus is hard. It's why those who have it are world-class. You know it when you see it. Somebody who is so focused on their internal mission, so focused on their priorities that nothing stops them. No amount of shiny distractions can waver their focus. Be one of them. Life starts falling into place before your eyes.

The way you maintain focus is by allowing yourself to say "no", a lot. We always want to people please. We always want to jump on any new project or opportunity that comes our way. But, that's how focus dies. When you're constantly context switching and spreading yourself too thin, focus becomes impossible.

So say no more. It's necessary to create true, unrelenting focus that drives you forward. Don't allow yourself to go through life unfocused. It's not the kind of life you want to live. Don't realize this when you're looking back at the end of your life. Start truly focusing now. Maintain it, and let the superpower change your life.