Tyler Bruno's Blog

On Obsession

Obsession is a surprisingly controversial topic nowadays. Some view it as unhealthy or unnecessary while others believe that it can be great for some select few people. I'm a part of the latter camp. Obsession isn't for everyone, but some people live for it. When you surround obsessive people with other like-minded individuals, it's like a flower blossoms.

There is something very beautiful about somebody pouring everything they have into something. That drive, determination, and grit that flows out of that person. They are so passionate about something that they will do anything and everything to make that thing come to life. We should cherish these people, because it takes a special kind of person.

Even personally, I've compared my happiness during slower times vs. intense times and always, the intense periods of times is what I long for. They bring immense fulfillment and remind me that the needle can always be moved forward through sheer dedication and willpower.

Obsessive people are also extremely inspiring. It draws people in. Think about all the greats - Musk, Jobs, Gates, Zuckerberg, and others, they make you want to come work for them due to the pure energy you feel while around them. They speak to their mission with such intensity and passion that it is impossible to say no. These are the types of people who push the world forward.

Like I mentioned before, obsession is not for everyone. Some prefer other ways of life and that is totally ok, but for others, obsessive thinking and behavior is the way forward. They're often the ones having extraordinary results and pushing the frontier, and this isn't something to diminish. Rather, we should cherish them. Obsession is a formidable force that can be incredible when harnessed, so embrace it, and watch magic unfold.